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PT Espay Debit Indonesia Koe
Perusahaan Fintech
DANA is a TechFin company that aims to bring in inclusive financial services to empower people for a better living. We aim to be one of the Pillar of Digital Economy in Indonesia by enabling the society to transact seamlessly. As a highly secured and scalable payment service platform to connect everyone based on world class technology, our goal is to provide Indonesia with a trustworthy and convenient mobile payment system to cater the needs of our customers, and sustainable profitable business for our stakeholders.
MOREPT Alami Fintek Sharia
Perusahaan Fintech
ALAMI Sharia merupakan perusahaan P2P Lending Syariah yang berdiri sejak 2018 dengan visi "Merevolusi Industri Keuangan Syariah Dengan Teknologi" dan telah berizin serta diawasi oleh OJK dan DSN MUI. Sejak 2018, ALAMI sudah menyalurkan pembiayaan lebih dari 1 Triliun dengan tingkat keberhasilan (TKB90) 100%.
Kepada Kami
Senin - Jumat, pukul 08.00 - 17.00 WIB
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